Hey Dewar’s, what’s wrong with having women in my bed?

The Carbonaf
3 min readOct 23, 2015


True Scotch since 1846
Live True

- Here’s my business card.
- Wow! You work at Dewar’s?
- Yup… → [Ego boost] + [I hope we’ll sleep together soon]


So basically Dewar’s Lebanon is advocating following our dreams, our passions, and not falling for the side matters…
These are great values indeed, ones I myself would definitely support.

Then I get to watch this video, where they patronize about what is important in life and what is not.
It is definitely an inspiration for some, but could be condescending for others.

  • At 0:18 - “If you’re doing it for money, or fame, don’t do it”
    Looking at our current societies, it seems to me that many people need to do it for the money, to get some kind of security. Other people need to do it for the fame, to get their needed recognition.
    So “doing it” is somehow therapeutic, essential and like everything else, hopefully just a phase.
    I’m sure that some of Dewar’s workers are doing it for the money, or for some recognition in their own families, or in their social circle.

I’m doing this for fame and fortune by the way.

At 0:24 - “If you’re doing it because you want women in your bed, don’t do it”
One very judgmental sentence in the middle of the ad… somehow sexist and cheap…
1- What’s wrong with impressing women?! There’s your thousands-of-years-old social behavior: human beings do a multitude of things to get into bed with other human beings.
And they shall keep on doing it.
2- I think that mentioning this sentence is a mistake when it comes to clean targeting. Though later in the video, at 0:50 they do mention “girlfriend or boyfriend”, thus including both gender audiences.
But in this sentence in particular, why are you speaking to men only? Is it that women don’t try to get men in their beds?
Apparently Dewar’s global were aware of this gender targeting issue and made sure to make many statements, textual and visual, in order to include and involve women.

Taken from Dewar’s global Facebook page:

And this video:
“Wanted, Men and Women…”
(Though the “Join Us” at the end makes it look like a recruitment process for a sect.)

And that video TOPS IT ALL.
You have to watch it till the end.
Very. Attractive. Sexy. Woman. Drinking. Whisky.
Would make a lot of men want to drink whisky.

I think she could be trying to get a man in her bed :)

“Live True” profiles for Dewar’s global:

It is actually interesting and pleasurable to watch these little 2-minutes-documentaries about passionate people who followed their hearts and are now making a living out of what they like to do.
They all mirror a certain aspect of a company that blends whisky out of passion.

Other videos are found on their YouTube Channel:

And so Dewar’s Lebanon followed on the steps of Dewar’s global to make the #LiveTrueLebanon campaign (links below).

But the thing is, the people featured in the videos are getting money, and more fame. Doesn’t it contradict with the statement in the first video?

My point is, it is not so obvious to identify the motives behind any action. So it might be safer to stay away from giving advice about motives.

It is still though very interesting and inspiring to know about those people. The videos are very neatly produced.
I just hope they’ll insert a video about an inspiring woman as well.

And I sure hope Dewar’s isn’t doing it all for the money.

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